“”I do not have time to train”
“I do not like the gym”
“I have no motivation”
“I can not train”
We all have our own reasons why we want help with getting fit with exercise and diet and taking care of our health. We at A Beauty Light offer a concept for you who do not have the time or desire to go to a traditional gym. With the world’s most effective and healthy fat reduction Emerald laser and the market’s strongest EMS training Wonder Prestige combined with diet and Bio-hacking for health, we present our own concept to reduce size, build muscle and feel better!
4 weeks KICK START
Suitable for you who want to get started quickly and need an extra push.
12 treatments.
Right now 20,000 KR
(ord. 27,000)
You save SEK 7,000
One time it takes about 1.5 hours when we do both Emerald & Wonder.
The second time takes about 45-50 minutes as we only do Wonder.
Diet program for 4 weeks. A total of 12 treatments (8 Wonder + 4 Emerald).
We supplement with Bio-hacking red & violet laser to maximize your body’s ability both mentally and physically, provide increased performance and reduced risk of injury, anti-inflammatory. Increases brain activity, increases oxygenation, increases immune response, lowers your systematic stress.
During the treatment period, we recommend 60 minutes of daily powerwalk (preferably outdoors) to get movement throughout the body, let the heart and lungs work, keep the blood circulation going, help the lymphatic system to clear out slag products.
6 weeks ALL IN
Suitable for you who want to get started quickly. 12 treatments.
Right now 20,750 KR
(Ord. 27,750)
You save SEK 7,000
One time we do the Emerald. The second time we do Wonder.
Diet program for 6 weeks. 12 treatments (6 Wonder + 6 Emerald).
We supplement with Bio-hacking red & violet laser to maximize your body’s ability both mentally and physically, provide increased performance and reduced risk of injury, anti-inflammatory. Increases brain activity, increases oxygenation, increases immune response, lowers your systematic stress.
During the treatment period, we recommend 60 minutes of daily powerwalk (preferably outdoors) to get movement throughout the body, let the heart and lungs work, keep the blood circulation going, help the lymphatic system to clear out slag products.
4 weeks KICK START + 6 weeks ALL IN - 10 weeks
Do you want to run both Kick Start & All In a total of 24 treatments over 10 weeks?
Right now 36,000 KR
(Ord. 54,750)
You save SEK 18,750
You choose the interval yourself. The treatments must have been completed within 6 months.
Wonder 4times+Emerald 4times 13.500 kr
Only Emerald 8times 14.000 kr
Only Wonder 8times 13.000 kr
After undergoing K.S. + K.G. or A.I. + K.G. alternatively K.S. + A.I. then you can continue with Keep It Up.
Training card * 24 weeks – Wonder
Maximum 24 treatments over 24 weeks.
At least 2 days between treatments.
Health card * 24 weeks – Emerald / Wonder
Maximum 24 treatments over 24 weeks.
At least 2 days between treatments. Opportunity to do Wonder & Emerald at the same time.
Extreme * 24 weeks – Emerald / Wonder
Maximum 48 treatments over 24 weeks.
At least 2 days between treatments.
Opportunity to do Wonder & Emerald at the same time.
Emerald 1 time SEK 1,500
Wonder 1 time SEK 1,000
Training card * 24 weeks SEK 20,000
Health card * 24 weeks SEK 30,000
Extreme * 24 weeks SEK 45,000
Other conditions
If you have purchased one of our packages / weekly offers, you can, if necessary, freeze your purchase for 1 week at a time on a maximum of 2 occasions (for 24 week programs 4 occasions), this for eg holidays or illness.
In the event of a long-term illness, we can freeze it longer, however, a medical certificate is required.
Freezing can be done at the earliest from the day it is reported, no freezing afterwards.
All training and diet is at your own risk. Consult your doctor if you feel unsure.
Training with Wonder does not fit:
* You who have a pacemaker
* During pregnancy
* You who have had a heart attack or have a weak heart
* You who have some form of metal implant (Titanium works well though)
* You who have other types of medical implants
* You who have had a stroke
* You who have, or have had surgery for brain damage
* You who do not feel physically healthy