- A Beauty Light works with laser hair removal with REAL laser. We have both an Alexandrite laser, Motus Ax Moveo, and an Triple Diode laser. We specialize in hair removal also intimate, Brazilian / Hollywood for both women and men.
On our website you will find everything about how laser hair removal works, read our MAGAZINE, prices, booking, contact info and directions. With us, you can also remove birthmarks and other skin spots in just a few seconds with Cryopen, treat yourself to facials such as Bio-Microneedling, Chemical peels, PRX T-33 etc. Reduce fat & boost health with Emerald Green laser, exercise with Wonder Prestige EMS, incontinence and rehab training intimately after childbirth with Dr Arnold bäckenbottenträning and much moore. We also perform intimate bleaching.
Mistakes don’t always have to last forever! With our Q-switched Nd:Yag laser Q-Terra Q10 we remove unwanted tattoos.
With new technology and the world’s first twin pulse laser, we can offer a safe, fast and effective treatment.

Plasma shower acts as an anti-inflammatory on a whole new level! We can now treat inflammatory skin conditions such as ROSACEA and ACNE and also atopic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis and seborrhea with very good results. In addition, completely without pain, risks or convalescence!
Plaxpot is a revolutionary facelift method which does not require surgery. It tightens and lifts the skin with immediate results. Plasma light is a non-surgical and non-invasive treatment that shrinks excess skin, bags and wrinkles.
REVOLUTIONARY BIO-MICRONEEDLING completely without needles, pain or blood!
Creates 3 million microchannels compared to classic microneedling, which creates approximately 1 million microchannels. Sponge spikes are a kind of siliceous biomicroneedle extracted from the freshwater sponge. It stimulates both the epidermis and dermis of the skin.
- Forget Fatfreezing, Liopolysis injections and other methods that often both hurt and are unhealthy. Instead, try a health boost that is completely painless and can give fantastic results - EMERALD GREEN LASER!
The very latest in fat reduction is Emerald laser. Completely without surgery, cold, heat or pain. No recovery time and completely without negative side effects. Treats both deffing, cellulite, obesity and Lipodema. A completely unique machine that can give fantastic results. Emerald also boosts your immune system and gives your health a boost of energy. We are one of few clinics in the Nordic region that have Emerald. Welcome to book a treatment!

- Unique magnetic and selective stimulation sequence, TOP FMS, which interacts with neuromuscular tissues by inducing homogeneous intense muscle contractions without pain or discomfort.
Pelvic floor training treats urinary incontinence, both stress incontinence and urge incontinence. It is suitable for pelvic floor rehabilitation after childbirth and for reduced intimate satisfaction. Pelvic floor training can in many cases also help you who suffer from chronic pelvic pain syndrome such as vestibulitis. Dr Arnold is suitable for both women and men.
- Train all 6 areas (12 points) at the same time. The new Wonder is superior to all other similar machines. It reaches deeper and is much stronger and more efficient.
With us you can book the very popular trend EMS-Training. We have the market’s strongest machine Wonder Prestige. HIFEM – High Intensity Focused Electro Magnetic technology is a non-invasive training method used to efficiently and gently burn fat and build muscle. A treatment can increase muscle mass by 16% and burn 19% fat at the same time.
WONDER works on most things – builds muscle, burns fat and reduces cellulite! Book your first “try on treatment” with a discount and get a InBody 970 scan in the bargin!
We also offer Andullation massage. Massage therapy with undulation belongs to the new generation of treatment methods that are based on biophysics. There are 5 basic working principles where the undulation can have a positive impact on our body. Massage therapy with andulation does not target a specific organ or organ system, but positively affects the essential body functions. It lays the foundation for maintaining and restoring good health.

Get a unique insight into your internal health how water, minerals, muscle and fat are distributed. Our advanced InBody 970 also measures your cell health (phase angle) and it shows water both inside the cells (ICW) and outside the cells (ECW) and tells you how much of your fat is viceral (dangerous) fat.

Contact us if you want to know more and get help with booking!
Feel free to book a free consultation to find out what suits your conditions.
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Warm welcome!
Regards Annelie, Rachel & Maria
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