Eat Lymphologically? What does that mean?

How and what we eat affects how our lymphatic system works. You can influence your health yourself by giving your body the best conditions to feel good. To eat “Lymphologically” you must follow the recommendations below!

 Eat protein at every meal.
 Eat low GI carbohydrates. (Vegetables that are raw or not overcooked.)
 Eat the right kind of fat. (Cocos oil, olive oil, butter contain at least Omega 6)
 Reduce or avoid gluten and pure sugar.
 Try and evaluate intermittent fasting and eating windows.
 Drink a glass of water before each meal.

Intermittent fasting and eating window

Intermittent fasting increases the activity of the lymphatic system. When the body has to assimilate nutrition stored in the fat cells, it is the lymphatic system that is responsible for the transport of nutrition from the fat cells back to the blood circulation.

The 5:2 method is a method of intermittent fasting where two days per week you eat less than the daily requirement. On those days, the lymphatic system has to work with returning nutrition from the fat cells.

Eating window is another type of intermittent fasting that increases lymph transport. Then you choose to only eat during a certain number of hours during the day, for example only between 10-18 or 12-20.

Increase nutrient transport from the fat cells!

Research shows that if you reduce the time of day that you eat to 8 hours, the transport of nutrients from the fat cells increases compared to if you eat the daily requirement of food for 12 hours. Interesting, isn’t it?

Do you want to learn more about the lymphatic system, what it is and how a well-functioning lymphatic system can make you feel better?  Here you can read about how you can boost your lymphatic system!