Remove birthmarks Stockholm


What can you remove with Cryopen?

There are many different types of marks, growths and warts that can occur on the skin. For example, many people want to remove liver stains. It can also be protruding marks that disturb or feel like they are in the way. You can remove marks both on the body and on the face. Here we go through what we can remove with Cryopen.

Fibroids consist of connective tissue cells and collagen and are harmless. Fibroids can look like skin-colored tabs or like a protruding birthmark without pigment. They usually appear when you have passed the age of 30 and can vary in size, from a few mm to one cm, and occur alone or as multiples. Small fibroids are called skin tags and are most often found on the neck and shoulders and décolleté. A fibroma can also occur as a reaction to an insect bite or by stinging on a thorny plant.

Before and after pictures.

Fibrom Skintag

Fibrom Skintag

Fibrom Skintag

Fibrom Skintag


Sun damage and pigment spots are a common problem that occurs for various reasons and manifests as brown or dark spots on the skin. It can be one or more individual spots (lentigo solaris) or a more widespread spot (melasma) that can make the skin tone feel uneven.

The most common causes of pigment changes are sun exposure and hormonal changes, eg in connection with pregnancy or medication. Age also affects, as old sun damage can only appear a decade later, so-called age spots. Both men and women of all ages can be affected.

In skin that has suffered from pigment changes, there is always a tendency for new spots to appear if the skin is exposed to strong sun. We therefore recommend that you be careful with tanning and use a sun protection factor.

We only recommend the removal of coarser pigment spots.

Before and after pictures.




Hemangioma is a benign tumor related to blood vessels, an angioma, which is usually visible on the skin and due to its appearance and bright red, reddish-purple or dark red color is then called strawberry mark or strawberry mark. Hemangiomas are more likely to be present at birth, especially in young children, and will usually go away on their own. This distinguishes hemangiomas from permanent fire marks.

If after the age of 10 you still have a mark left after the hemangioma, you can remove this. We do not treat fire marks with Cryopen. In this case, consult a dermatologist.

Before and after pictures.




A birthmark is a dark spot on the skin. It contains extra pigment, which is the dye that makes the skin darker when exposed to the sun. Most birthmarks are harmless but it is important to keep track of if they change. Birthmarks are sometimes called liver spots and in medical parlance they are called nevus.

Birthmarks can appear anywhere on the body. They are dark but can differ in size, shape and color. Birthmarks can be difficult to see on dark skin. Some have a smaller number of brands but it is not uncommon with 70 or more.

Birthmarks can come in different ages. The first are already visible during the first years of life, and then more and more people reach the age of about 30. Women often get more birthmarks during pregnancy.

Always contact a healthcare center if you have a birthmark that matches one or more of the following;

* It turns into a wound.
* It grows or changes shape.
* It changes color or becomes flammable.
* It begins to itch or bleed.

We never remove birthmarks unless you yourself are completely sure that it is safe. If you are at least unsure, you must first visit a doctor and get a statement.

Before and after pictures.




Lipomas in the skin are made up of adipose tissue and are harmless. You can get fat lumps anywhere on your body. Most fat lumps are small and do not cause any problems but sometimes they can get bigger and hurt or feel uncomfortable. Larger lipomas are treated by a dermatologist. We can remove smaller cosmetic lipomas with Cryopen.

Before and after picture.




Age-related warts are chronic brown or black skin spots, usually on the skin of the face, chest, abdomen or back, which in appearance resemble skin cancer but are completely harmless. The surface can become rough and assume a wart-like appearance. Age-related warts can occur as early as the age of 20 and become more common with age. The warts are not contagious and are completely harmless. Seborrheic keratosis is a very common condition. The spots, which are benign tumors, often appear one by one, but can also appear in many, especially over time.

Before and after pictures.

Seborrheic keratoses/åldersvårta/talgvårta/mjällvårta

Seborrheic keratoses/åldersvårta/talgvårta/mjällvårta

Seborrheic keratoses/åldersvårta/talgvårta/mjällvårta after WARTS

Seborrheic keratoses/åldersvårta/talgvårta/mjällvårta
